My name is Elliott and I’m a creative hybrid.
I don’t believe in the demarcation of creativity: no hard line in the sand when it comes to art direction or writing or design. When the kernel of an idea appears, glinting sweetly in the figurative palm of your hand, a creative must use any and every skill in their arsenal to nourish it until it fully expresses itself.
I fell into advertising in the kind of way you fall up the stairs: it’s never expected and you get a bit of a thrill in that moment of stumbling. Since that first fall into/from grace, I’ve worked at J. Walter Thompson Melbourne, Leo Burnett Australia and McCann London. And now Mona—the Musuem of Old and New Art in nipaluna / Hobart. My time at these institutions has expanded my hybrid skills across creative, branding and strategy to production and managing crack teams. I believe the key to a well-oiled team is honest, supportive communication. Don’t talk shit, but be there to listen if some serious shit is going down.
Which brings me to my background - the art world.
I studied at the National Art School in Sydney, earning my Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours) and Master of Fine Art. After that, I was awarded an artist residency in Berlin, where I worked and travelled around (in those pre-covid, halcyon days). The great benefit of my education at the National Art School was its holistic approach: 5000 years of art history, the study of philosophy and aesthetics, contemporary practices and, of course, an exhaustive practical foundation.
I treat a brief with that same holistic thinking and I use language and art to arrive at a solution. As a hybrid, I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve: I use the Adobe Creative Suite and Figma fluently, including PremierePro and AfterEffects; I retouch images, design digital banners, write eDMs, and I also speak fluent French and Italian.
Diemens Award 2024 Winner Art Direction - Walshie’s Wine Cult
Diemens Award 2023 Winner Art Direction - Mona Foma 23
Diemens Award 2023 Winner Poster & Large Format Outdoor - Mona Foma 23
Diemens Award 2023 Finalist Website - Mona Foma 23
Diemens Award 2023 Finalist Brand ID - Mona Foma 23
Diemens Award 2023 Finalist Integrated Campaign - Mona Foma 23
Diemens Award 2023 Winner Packaging Design - Moo Brew Barrel Aged Stout
Diemens Award 2023 Winner Design - Moo Brew Stout
D&AD Pencil Winner 2018 Melbourne Fringe Festival - Everything is Art